Major, the Indian biographical action drama film based on the inspiring life of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, continues to captivate audiences even a year after...
After the rousing reception 'Major' received and the impact it has made on audiences, actor Adivi Sesh on Wednesday announced the Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan...
Actor Vijay Deverakonda has showered praise on director Sashi Kiran Tikka's 'Major', calling it a film that is "filled with passion, love, and sincerity".
Hyderabad, June 3 Dhanalakshmi Unnikrishnan, mother of the late Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who watched the movie 'Major', lavished praises on Saiee Manjrekar, who played...
Mumbai, June 2 Adivi Sesh has been winning hearts across the nation with his performance in the highly-anticipated film 'Major' that traces the inspirational...
Major is a 2022 Indian biographical action film directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka and produced by Sony Pictures International Productions, G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment,...
Hyderabad, May 28 The producers of Adivi Sesh-starrer 'Major' have asked the distributors and exhibitors to keep ticket prices as low as possible for...