Young director Nithilan Swaminathan's latest movie, "Maharaja," features Kollywood's versatile actor Makkalselvan Vijay Sethupathi in the lead role. This intense emotional and solid revenge...
The web series 'Hiramandi,' directed by renowned Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, has garnered significant attention and success on Netflix. Its captivating storyline has...
Prime Video Presents "Bachelor Party" (March 4th):
Join the laughter with the Kannada comedy-adventure film "Bachelor Party" on Prime Video, starring Diganth Manchale, Loose Mada...
Famous movie creator Sanjay Leela Bhansali, known for his amazing films, is making his first show on the internet (OTT) with "Heeramandi: The Diamond...
Nayanthara's latest film, "Annapoorani," has encountered controversy following its release on Netflix. Recent criticisms from some Hindu groups have led to the film's removal...
Netflix is thinking about making money from its video games by adding in-app purchases and ads, according to reports. Currently, Netflix subscribers can download...
After underwhelming viewers with its Tamil-only release, the heist comedy-drama "Japan" starring Karthi has finally arrived for Telugu audiences on Netflix. Additionally, the OTT...