The much-anticipated Pan India film "OG," directed by Sujeeth and starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan alongside young actress Priyanka Mohan, has recently commenced its...
It’s well known that Power Star Pawan Kalyan has two major pan-India films in the pipeline, along with a regional mass-action entertainer titled Ustad...
Film actor Shayaji Shinde's remarks about giving a plant alongside prasad to devotees in temples have gone viral. During his appearance on Bigg Boss...
Director Jyoti Krishna's ambitious pan-India project Hari Hara Veeramallu, featuring Power Star Pawan Kalyan, has been in the making for almost four years. Despite...
The highly anticipated film Mr. Bachchan, directed by Harish Shankar and starring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja alongside Bhagyashree Borse, is set to be one...
Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently very busy with his political career, serving as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Despite his political...