Global star Ram Charan is joining hands with renowned director Shankar for the highly anticipated political drama Game Changer, slated for a grand theatrical...
Global star Ram Charan’s highly anticipated pan-India film "Game Changer," directed by the legendary Shankar, features Kiara Advani and Anjali as the lead heroines....
Global star Ram Charan and director Shankar Shanmugam's highly anticipated political drama Game Changer is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2024, in...
Expectations are sky-high for Game Changer, marking the first major collaboration between global star Ram Charan and the talented director Shankar Shanmugam. After being...
Game Changer is one of the most anticipated films in Telugu cinema, marking the first collaboration between Ram Charan and director Shankar. The film...
Global star Ram Charan is currently engaged in multiple high-profile projects. Among them is the massive film "Game Changer," directed by pan-India director Shankar....