Global star Ram Charan is joining hands with renowned director Shankar for the highly anticipated political drama Game Changer, slated for a grand theatrical...
Global star Ram Charan stars as the hero in director Shankar's highly anticipated movie Game Changer, alongside heroines Kiara Advani and Anjali. Mega fans...
The today’s releasing mass commercial entertainer of mega power star Ram Charan Tej, Vinaya Vidheya Rama is creating the right ambiance for any mega...
Mega Powerstar Ram Charan is in tremendous form after the blockbuster hit of Rangasthalam. His upcoming flick under the direction of Boyapati Sreenu has...
Mega Power Star Ram Charan teamed up with sensational director Boyapati Srinu for the upcoming exciting project Vinaya Vidheya Rama. Come to this Ram...
Now, director Boyapati Srinu is the care of address for mass action movies in Telugu film industry. Ram Charan created industry records with 'Rangasthalam'...