World-renowned actor Ram Charan is getting ready for his upcoming project, Game Changer, which is helmed by Shankar Shanmugam. In this film, which just...
Joining hands with acclaimed filmmaker Shankar, global sensation Ram Charan will bring fans the massive action extravaganza known as "Game Changer." The movie is...
Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi's Chosen Wedding Venue:
Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi have kicked off their wedding festivities with a delightful pre-wedding celebration in...
Ram Charan Visits Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai for Prayers:
Popular actor Ram Charan made a visit to the renowned Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai on October...
Ram Charan Upset Over Game Changer Release Delay:
Ram Charan, the reigning superstar, has temporarily halted the shooting of his film 'Game Changer' due to...
Ram Charan Sustains Facial Injury:
Ram Charan was scheduled to start filming for his upcoming movie 'Game Changer,' directed by Shanmugam Shankar, on Saturday. However,...
Klin Kaara, Daughter of Ram Charan and Upasana, Joins the Konidela Family:
Ram Charan and Upasana, the beloved star couple, have been setting relationship goals...