Together, the energetic actor Ram Pothineni and the well-known director Boyapati Sreenu have created a unique pan-Indian film called "Skanda," which is a high-octane...
The Skanda trailer's release time has been set
The highly anticipated PAN-Indian film "Skanda," starring the energetic star Ram Pothineni and Sreeleela, is scheduled to...
Prepare for the SkandaTrailer mass event launch
Director Boyapati Sreenu and actor Ram Pothineni are gearing up for the release of their highly anticipated mass-action...
Ram Pothineni and Sreeleela lit the dance floor on fire.
The first song, titled 'Main Peeche Peeche,' from the upcoming film 'Skanda - The Attacker,'...
Currently engrossed in the production of his highly anticipated project with Boyapati Srinu,
the film's official title is yet to be revealed and is simply...