Nithiin and Rashmika Mandanna starrer ‘Bheeshma’, written & directed by Venky Kudumula, produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under Sithara Entertainments has released the film’s...
The makers of youth icon Vijay Devarakonda’s upcoming venture, Dear Comrade have started the promotions with the release of its first single today.
The number...
The gorgeous beauty Rashmika Mandanna is once again teasing the Telugu movie lovers with the teaser of Vijay Devarakonda’e Dear Comrade. Repeating the stunt...
After the stupendous hit of Geetha Govidam, Rashmika Mandanna has not only become the heartthrob for the youth but also the most sought-after actress...
Rashmika Mandanna Overwhelmed By The Rumors With Top HeroThe Bangalore beauty Rashmika Mandanna is the latest sensation in Tollywood right now. She has become...