‘Kannappa’ is one of the most prestigious films currently being made in Tollywood. Directed by Bollywood filmmaker Mukesh Kumar Singh, this big-budget project stars...
Manchu Vishnu's ambitious project, Kannappa, is gearing up for a rapid-fire finish. Initially planned as a global spectacle with a colossal budget, the film...
Actor Sarath Kumar has praised director Arunraja Kamaraj's recently released film 'Nenjukku Needhi', calling it "a deeply emotional film with a message of equality."
The audio released of DevaDas movie happened yesterday September 20. The event organized in very big manner in Hyderabad. Mani Sharma is composed music...
Finally, DevaDas movie trailer came out. Nagarjuna and Nani combo is refreshing the Telugu audience. Actually, the teaser and songs, everything was good and...