Major, the Indian biographical action drama film based on the inspiring life of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, continues to captivate audiences even a year after...
Even a few weeks after its debut, the Adivi Sesh-starrer 'Major' is still doing well in theatres.
While popular leaders, politicians, and dignitaries have praised...
Megastar Chiranjeevi was thrilled by the recently released film 'Major', starring Adivi Sesh.
Chiranjeevi honored the 'Major' team by hosting a lunch for them. During...
Telugu actor Pawan Kalyan has joined the list of celebrities who have praised Adivi Sesh's film 'Major.'
Starring Adivi Sesh, 'Major' is currently playing in...
Actor Vijay Deverakonda has showered praise on director Sashi Kiran Tikka's 'Major', calling it a film that is "filled with passion, love, and sincerity".
Mumbai, June 2 Adivi Sesh has been winning hearts across the nation with his performance in the highly-anticipated film 'Major' that traces the inspirational...
Major is a 2022 Indian biographical action film directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka and produced by Sony Pictures International Productions, G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment,...
Hyderabad, May 26 'Major,' starring Adivi Sesh, had already begun pre-screening and received a standing ovation at the Pune premiere.
The excitement has grown now...