Tag: Satellite

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India set to touch 328 foreign satellite launches on Saturday

If all goes well with the Saturday evening rocketing of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C49) then the Indian space agency would have slung...

ISRO plans to test ground landing of ‘desi’ space shuttle

The Indian space agency is likely to test its reusable launch vehicle's (RLV) landing on the ground sometime in November or December 2020, said...

Arctic gets greener due to rising temperature

Parts of the Arctic region have become greener due to increased plant growth stimulated by warmer air and soil temperatures, says a study that...

SpaceX Starlink satellites may hamper scientific progress: Report

Satellite constellations like SpaceX's Starlink network could disproportionately affect science programs that require twilight observations, such as searches for Earth-threatening asteroids and comets, astronomers...
