Global star Ram Charan is joining hands with renowned director Shankar for the highly anticipated political drama Game Changer, slated for a grand theatrical...
Global star Ram Charan is currently preparing for the release of his much-anticipated movie ‘Game Changer,’ directed by Shankar, with high expectations surrounding it....
The highly anticipated movie Game Changer, directed by Shankar and starring global star Ram Charan, has fans buzzing with excitement. Recently, a grand teaser...
Global star Ram Charan’s highly anticipated pan-India film "Game Changer," directed by the legendary Shankar, features Kiara Advani and Anjali as the lead heroines....
Fans are eagerly anticipating the highly sensational project Game Changer, directed by the visionary Shankar, featuring global star Ram Charan alongside Kiara Advani and...
Global star Ram Charan is currently engaged in multiple high-profile projects. Among them is the massive film "Game Changer," directed by pan-India director Shankar....
Mega Power Star Ram Charan, under the direction of renowned filmmaker Shankar, is set to lead the highly anticipated political action entertainer "Game Changer."...