The first original superhero movie from Tollywood, "Hanu Maan," starring young hero Teja Sajja and directed by the talented Prashant Varma, was a massive...
Excitement soared as fans eagerly awaited the Tollywood sensation "HanuMan OTT Release," directed by Prasanth Varma and starring Teja Sajja. However, disappointment struck when...
Hanuman latest sensational hit movie directed by young hero Teja Sajja and talented filmmaker Prashanth Varma is known to all. Being the first superhero...
After a remarkable 50-day run in theaters, the Telugu superhero film "HanuMan" directed by Prasanth Varma and starring Teja Sajja has garnered attention for...
In a surprising turn of events, the superhero epic "HanuMan" emerged as the dark horse among Sankranthi releases, making history as the highest-grossing Sankranthi...