Nikhil Siddharth is all set to captivate audiences with his upcoming Telugu romantic action drama Appudo Ippudo Eppudo, directed by Sudheer Varma. The movie...
Tollywood producer Nagavanshi recently delighted audiences with the release of "Lucky Bhaskar," which has garnered strong positive buzz and audience appreciation. During the movie’s...
Kannappa is one of Tollywood’s most prestigious projects currently in production. Featuring Manchu Vishnu in the lead role and supported by a cast of...
Tollywood’s young and talented hero Sree Vishnu stars in Swag, alongside Ritu Varma and Daksha Nagarkar as the heroines, with direction by Hasit Goli....
Natural actress Sai Pallavi, one of the popular star heroines in South India, including Tollywood, has been widely appreciated for her acting prowess. Currently...
The first original superhero movie from Tollywood, "Hanu Maan," starring young hero Teja Sajja and directed by the talented Prashant Varma, was a massive...
Sitara Entertainments, known for producing a series of successful films in Tollywood, has multiple exciting projects lined up. This banner, in collaboration with Fortune...
Tollywood’s promising comedian Satya has gained recognition for his strong role in the recent hit "Matthu Vadalara 2," directed by Ritesh Rana, alongside the...