The first original superhero movie from Tollywood, "Hanu Maan," starring young hero Teja Sajja and directed by the talented Prashant Varma, was a massive...
Sitara Entertainments, known for producing a series of successful films in Tollywood, has multiple exciting projects lined up. This banner, in collaboration with Fortune...
Tollywood’s promising comedian Satya has gained recognition for his strong role in the recent hit "Matthu Vadalara 2," directed by Ritesh Rana, alongside the...
Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu took to X today to launch the much-awaited trailer of his brother-in-law Sudheer Babu’s upcoming film, Maa Nanna Superhero. Expressing...
Global star Ram Charan and director Shankar Shanmugam's highly anticipated political drama Game Changer is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2024, in...
The recent blockbuster Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, starring Nani and Priyanka Mohan and directed by Vivek Athreya, is all set to stream on Netflix starting tomorrow...
Talented actor Sundeep Kishan is teaming up with hit director Thrinadha Rao Nakkina for an exciting mass entertainer. The movie is progressing well, and...