Victory Venkatesh and director Anil Ravipudi's upcoming film is one of the highly anticipated projects in Tollywood. Their previous collaborations, 'F-2' and 'F-3,' were...
Directed by renowned Tollywood filmmaker Harish Shankar, Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja's latest movie, "Mr. Bachchan," features him in the lead role. Bhagyashree Borse stars...
Rajamouli is the director who elevated the Tollywood industry to global prominence. He achieved the coveted Oscar for a Telugu movie, and every film...
Tollywood's young and talented hero Kiran Abbavaram is starring in the latest movie "Ka." After taking a short break following a series of setbacks,...
Everyone is aware of the recent movie "Guntur Kaaram," starring Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu and young heroine Srila. Following this film, Mahesh Babu has...
Telangana state CM Revanth Reddy has imposed a new condition on the Tollywood film industry. He announced that this condition applies to those seeking...