Tollywood's mega prince Varun Tej, known for taking on experimental roles, recently starred in "Matka," directed by Karuna Kumar. Despite its grand scale, the...
Mega Prince Varun Tej has been struggling to find success recently, with his latest films not resonating with audiences. However, he’s now placing all...
Varun Tej latest movie "Operation Valentine" just landed on a streaming service (OTT)! This is his first Bollywood film, directed by Shakti Pratap Singh...
ega Prince Varun Tej upcoming film, "Operation Valentine," directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada and starring Manushi Chhillar as the lead actress, has been...
Get ready for a thrilling ride with Varun Tej upcoming film, "Operation Valentine"! This aerial action drama promises stunning visuals, high-octane action, and a...