Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has reportedly rolled out some new shortcuts for group admins to quickly and easily perform actions for a certain group...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out a new 'voice status updates' feature on iOS beta, which will allow users to share voice...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to send photos in their original quality.
The platform is...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out a new 'voice status updates' feature on Android beta, which will allow users to share voice...
Messaging and Meta-owned platform WhatsApp is regularly practicing special features which give users the to select multiple chats on the Desktop beta. When the...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature that gives users the ability to see profile icons within group chats on iOS.
Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly working on bringing the ability to send "view once text" messages to a future update of the app.
Previously, the feature...