The AICC Supreme Rahul Gandhi shocked the entire Nation by shaking hands with the rival Babu for the first time in the history of Indian Politics. As the Telangana Congress wing is quite happy with this progress, the AP Congress camp is quite disturbed with this alliance.
Any Political follower would know that the so-called hardcore followers of Congress Principles in AP shall outnumber any State Congress camps. We have seen leaders who stick with AP Congress despite many ups and downs. Such leaders are on their way to bid farewell to the National Congress. Leaders like Sabbam Hari the other day showcased his anguish post the Grand Alliance and submitted his resignation letter and he was followed by C Ramachanraiah.
Other leaders of APCC who are against Rahul’s friendship with TDP are pointing out at their Chief’s act. They state that instead of asking their cadre and followers to support their arch rival all of a sudden, it is better to go out of the party calmly. Seems APCC would oppose Grand Alliance as far as AP Politics are concerned.