Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna’s latest film, ‘Daku Maharaj,’ released during the Sankranthi season, has emerged as a box office hit, crossing the ₹100 crore mark. Directed by Bobby, this pure mass-action entertainer has received immense praise for Balayya’s powerful performance. With the film’s success on par with other Sankranthi releases, the team recently celebrated with a grand success meet.
During the event, Balakrishna made noteworthy remarks about music director Thaman. He praised Thaman for consistently delivering exceptional music for his films, dubbing it as “next level.” He mentioned that fans often call Thaman ‘Nandamuri Thaman,’ but Balayya suggested a new title—‘NBK Thaman.’
Balayya’s comments about Thaman, who has elevated his movies with stellar music, have since gone viral. The film also features Pragya Jaiswal, Shraddha Srinath, Chandini Chowdhury, and Urvashi Rautela in key roles, adding to the movie’s widespread appeal