The gangster drama “OG,” directed by the talented Sujeeth, stars Power Star Pawan Kalyan in the lead role. The movie is currently in production, featuring music by the sensational Thaman. Priyanka Mohan plays the heroine, with Emraan Hashmi, Arjun Das, and Shriya Reddy in key roles.
Music director Thaman recently made some intriguing comments about the film. In response to a fan’s edited video of Pawan Kalyan, Thaman said, “Brother, we have something much crazier than this. It will last a lifetime.” He encouraged everyone to wait for “OG,” hinting at the excitement surrounding the project. This post has further heightened the anticipation for the movie. Thaman, who has previously delivered powerful music for Pawan Kalyan’s films “Vakil Saab” and “Bheemla Nayak,” has set high expectations among the audience and fans for “OG.”