‘Today, I finish one year as a wildlifer,’ says Sadaa


Actress Sadaa, who has taken to wildlife photography in a big way, on Saturday announced that she has completed one year in wildlife.

Taking to Instagram to make the announcement, the actress, who has acted in several blockbusters including director Shankar’s ‘Anniyan’, wrote: “Today, I finish one year as a wildlife and it’s the kind of anniversary I’d wish to celebrate for the rest of my life!”

“Last year, on this day, I embarked on a journey, I never thought would turn out to be my forever love. Had I not been shooting for a movie in Panna, I doubt if I’d be here today writing this post.”

“I strongly believe it was meant to happen. I was meant to experience this beautiful unexplored world out there that’d enrich me beyond anything else!”

“What started as a casual safari in the woods of Panna, soon turned into an undying passion for jungles and wildlife.”

“Fifteen odd trips to nine National Parks/Reserves & 52 big cats, all in one year! From depending on others to capture moments in the wild for me to have my own gear now; from learning the basics of photography to now learning the art of processing images, I have come a long long way and I’m way more than happy with this incredible journey!”

“How I wish I was in one of the forests of India celebrating this day but I’m gonna make up for it by exploring some new places in the next two months. Can’t wait to be back where my soul finds peace, in the wild…”


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