It is known that a woman lost her life in a stampede at the Sandhya Theater at the RTC Cross Road in Hyderabad during the benefit show of the Pushpa-2 movie. A case has been registered against hero Allu Arjun at the Chikkadapalli police station in this incident.
A case has been registered against Allu Arjun under non-bailable sections like Sections 105 (murder or causing loss of life) and 118(1) of the BNS Act, and legal experts say that if convicted in such cases, a person can be sentenced to five to ten years in prison.
Knowing that Allu Arjun was coming for the benefit show, a large number of fans reached the Sandhya Theater. A DJ program was also arranged, which created a huge commotion in the area. The police could not control the group. Finally, a stampede broke out due to a lathi charge, in which a woman lost her life. On the other hand, the police said, “They did not receive any information that Allu Arjun was coming.”