Victory Venkatesh‘s latest film, Sankranthiki Vastunnam, released as a festive treat for Sankranthi, is making waves at the box office. The film has been on a record-breaking spree since its premiere, collecting massive revenues. As per the latest reports, it has achieved outstanding success in North America, crossing the $2 million gross milestone. This marks a career-best achievement for Venkatesh and highlights the film’s strong international appeal. With ongoing collections, the film is expected to perform exceptionally well in the coming days.
Directed by Anil Ravipudi, Sankranthiki Vastunnam stars Venkatesh in the lead, with Meenakshi Chowdhury and Aishwarya Rajesh as the female leads. The movie has generated a huge buzz among audiences, thanks to its strong promotions and engaging storyline. Supporting actors like Srinivas Avasarala and Srinivasa Reddy add charm to the film. Produced by Sri Venkateswara Creations, the movie features music composed by Bheems Cicerolio, further enhancing its appeal