Bollywood couple Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal, who are slated to tie the knot at the Six Senses Fort Barwara Hotel on Thursday, will depart from Mumbai at around 12 noon on Monday and are likely to reach Jaipur by 6 p.m., sources have confirmed.
The would-be bride and groom are scheduled to reach Chauth ka Barwada at about 9 p.m. from Jaipur by road, following which a welcome ceremony will be held at the Six Senses Fort Barwara Hotel.
The sources said that the couple’s families will also be at the venue.
Various wedding-related rituals will be held in the hotel from Tuesday to Thursday.
The wedding will be held in Rajwadi style, the sources said, adding that many film celebrities and VIP guests will attend the event.
Six Senses Fort Barwara Hotel is located in the town of Barwara, Chauth of Sawai Madhopur.