Vijay Antony won the hearts of Telugu audience with only one film Bichagadu. It is his third film dubbed in Telugu after the films of Nakili and Doctor Saleem. Vijay Antony is musician turned producer turned actor. He is only producing his films from Nakili to recently released Roshagadu. His third film in Telugu Bichagadu is the biggest hit at Telugu box-office and the Telugu producers of this film received crores as profit in return. But, the films released after Bichagadu did not fare well at the box-office.
His latest film Roshagadu released on yesterday and many of Telugu audiences are not aware of that due to lack of promotions. Of course, this movie Tamil version receiving positive response in Kollywood. But, it is not faring well in Tollywood. Due to this, Vijay Antony only wants to focus on his movies as an actor and he wants to quit producing his films. In future, he wants to act in other production banners. It seems really a tough job for Vijay Antony to act, produce and compose music for his films. Hope his decision will benefit his upcoming films to reach the audience with proper promotions.