Nandita Raj, who gave a memorable performance in Premakatha Chitram movie. As well a well-known actress to Telugu audiences is Sneha and we know her husband Prasanna, vaguely. Besides, he has acted in Nagarjuna’s Bhai and Sai Dharam Tej’s Jawaan movies. Now, Nandita and Prasanna coming with a thriller film, i.e, Viswamitra. Albeit, the teaser of Viswamitra is released and here it is for you.
In recent times, thriller movies are getting good results and succeeded as well as some gone flopped. So, audiences also showing their interest in thriller and horror movies. However, Raj Kiran is the director of this film who made Tripura and Geethanjali movies. So, those movies tell his calibre in the making of this genre films. Moreover, actor Prasanna is a good story chooser so the movie may bring the audiences to the theatres. And, Anup Rubens is the music director of this film and so we can good music and songs.
Come to the teaser, it is looking like an investigating drama because of Prasanna’s police appearance. And, Nandita again doing an action-oriented role and Rana Asuthosh is playing the villain role maybe. The background music of the teaser is good to here and should wait for the full version. However, the title may be fixed based on the name of the lead actors. Because Nandita’s role name is Mitra and Viswa name may be of hero or another pivotal role. Finally, the teaser is good and captivating.
Cast: Prasanna, Nanditha Raj, Satyam Rajesh, and Rana Ashutosh. Music: Anup Rubens
Director: Raj Kiran
Producer: Madhavi Addanki, S Rajinikanth and Raajakiran