Hero Allu Arjun has received further relief in the stampede incident that occurred during the premiere show of Pushpa-2: The Rule on December 4 last year. The Nampally court has granted an exemption for the actor from personally appearing at the Chikkadapalli police station every Sunday.
Earlier, on the 3rd of this month, the court had granted regular bail to the icon star with specific conditions. These included a requirement to appear at the Chikkadapalli police station every Sunday, refrain from influencing witnesses, and provide two sureties of Rs. 50,000 each.
Following the court’s orders, Allu Arjun visited the Chikkadapalli police station last Sunday to sign as required. However, citing security concerns, he requested the court to relieve him of the personal appearance condition. Responding positively, the Nampally court has now granted the exemption, providing further relief to the actor.