ISRO receives test crew module for human space mission


The Indian space agency on Friday received the first simulated crew module (SCM) structure assembly for the first test flight of its human space mission – Gaganyaan.

In a tweet, the Indian Space Research Organisation said: “Today, ISRO received Simulated Crew Module (SCM) Structure Assembly for the Gaganyaan project. This first indigenous SCM is developed by VSSC (Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre) and realized by Manjira Machine Builders Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad.”

According to the ISRO, the SCM that was delivered on Friday was an unpressurized crew module. It simulates the shape, outer mold line, and interfaces of major systems like parachute systems and pyros of the actual crewed mission configuration.

The SCM will be used in test rocket missions to validate crew escape systems and other subsystems.

“Actual Crew Module is a pressurized capsule that accommodates the astronauts during the Gaganyaan mission,” the ISRO added.

The space agency plans to fly a test rocket later this year.


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