Nani Next Movie
The Natural Star Nani gets blockbuster successes in this year. Recently he achieved a success with Ninnu Kori movie and his currently doing Middle-class Abbie and Krishna Arjuna Yuddam. Venu Sri Ram is directing the movie, Middle-class Abbie. Merlapaka Gandhi is directing the movie Krishna Arjuna Yuddam. Recently, Krishna Arjuna Yuddam film schedule prepared. Nani Next Movie Acting With Anupama Parameshwaran in Krishna Arjuna Yuddam.
In this film, Anupama Parameswaran is the heroine. She has many offers, but she said Ok for this film. Anupama has a good craze in Telugu. so it may useful to the Nani film. The film unit members that this film may release in next summer. Director Merlapaka Gandhi directed this film with a different storyline. The film unit members say that Natural star Nani plays a good role in this film.
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