Online shopping system using virtual reality


New virtual reality system making consumers purchase without going to shops. Virtual reality is now present in many fields like games, entertainment, and marketing. Virtual reality has found a way to a wide range of areas in the digital world from past few years. Virtual reality is making a very good impact on online retail.

Online shopping is at an edge, it is fast and shipping is done directly to doorstep but with the online shopping, you miss the experience of going into the store and choosing the items. And now the virtual reality shopping is trying to give you the convenience of online shopping and the experience of being in the store. Virtual reality technology will play in the future for business in general and ecommerce in a particular. Many companies currently like to use virtual reality as a marketing instrument.

Virtual reality in Tokyo:

An employee of a sharp corp. has set up a company who has developed a system that uses virtual reality to ensure that consumers can make a purchase at stores without visiting the stores. It is trying to launch its services by 2020, by that next generation telecommunication 5G will be in use. In the future, this company is also planning to introduce artificial intelligence to virtual reality spaces to guide consumers into stores. This system will make consumers to virtually drop in at shops and buy goods they want to. By using virtual reality, 5G and Artificial intelligence, they are trying to create a next generation online shopping platform.

Customers can experience this by wearing virtual reality glasses or goggles, so they can see the images of the inside of a shop they want to visit, which will be live streamed through the internet. Then the customer can orally order the goods they want from the store or an employee in the store and can get the goods will be delivered. This system also helps the entrepreneurs to launch an online retail store without developing a website.

A major Japanese company is extending the technology of the company who are trying to develop the virtual reality by arranging two digital cameras in the store to create a 3-dimensional image in the store. Then that company will conduct its first verification test with the shops which are dealing with local specialties. It is preparing many shops many shops to participate with this system and launch the full scale new online system. The company is also allowing the customers to move inside the virtual reality space by taking advantage of the communication technology capacity to install many cameras in the stores.


The technology normally has to make a sense in relation to the products on offer. It should also possible to reach the target groups via this communication channel. If both of these requirement has met then the Virtual reality scene will transform online shopping into the completely new experience for users. Online retailers can increase their conversion rate because of the realistic experience to the customers will minimize one of the main reason purchases has previously been and then returned back to the store.


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