Actor-turned-politician Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan had participated in Netaji’s book review written by MVR Shastry at Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad. One of the guests at the event, Padmaja Reddy’s speech made Pawan Kalyan quite emotional.
Padmaja Reddy, a Kuchipudi dancer, had attended the book review event, in which she was one of the guests alongside Pawan Kalyan.
Addressing the gathering, Padmaja said a few words about Pawan Kalyan and his brother Chiranjeevi, which made the ‘Bheemla Nayak’ actor emotional.
“Chiranjeevi’s wife Surekha is my best friend. I have heard about Pawan Kalyan from the couple, and they are always so fond of him. Pawan is like a baby to Chiru Garu and Surekha”, Padmaja said.
“Surekha always pampers Pawan like her eldest son. They identify him as the most precious person. So, as the years pass by, I have developed that motherly attitude towards Pawan. For me also, he is like a baby,” she said.
This speech seems to have touched Pawan Kalyan so much that he almost had tears in his eyes. This particular video of Pawan tearing up, while Padmaja is speaking about his brother and sister-in-law, has now become viral.
On the work front, Pawan will be seen in ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ next.