Pindam Movie Review | A Thrilling Horror Story in a Haunted House


Pindam, the new horror flick in town, promises chills and thrills. But does it deliver real screams or just yawns? Let’s peek inside the haunted house of Suklapet…

The Story:

Antony buys a new house, thinking it’s his dream come true. But soon, spooky stuff starts happening – lights flicker, objects fly, and the family dog hides under the bed. Antony’s wife, Mary, is about to pop a baby, and two little daughters are scared witless. Enter Annamma, the ghostbuster lady, and the mystery deepens. Is it a mean ghost or something darker at play? Buckle up for a twisty ride!

Thumbs Up:

  • The flashback bits are kinda creepy and cool, showing what happened before Antony moved in. Makes you wonder what secrets the house holds!
  • The movie tackles a real-life issue, making you think beyond just ghosts and goons.
  • Sriram plays the worried husband perfectly, and Kushee Ravi shines as the brave wife. The little girls steal the show with their cuteness and screams!
  • The music and setting add to the chills. Think of creaky floorboards and shadows that dance on walls.
pindam movie review; trailer, songs, poster
Pindam Movie Review

Thumbs Down:

  • The haunted house story feels tired. Flickering lights, flying things – we’ve seen it all before. 
  • The first half drags, with just a few creepy moments to keep you awake. You’ll be checking your phone for the time.
  • The jump scares are predictable and lame. You’ll see them coming from a mile away, and they won’t make you jump in your seat.
  • Pindam borrows heavily from a famous Hollywood horror movie. Not very original, eh?
  • The movie drags on forever, and the ending feels rushed and messy. What happened to that other guy?

The Verdict:

Pindam isn’t the scariest movie, but it’s not bad either. Good acting, decent setting, and a few creepy moments keep it watchable. But the predictable story, lack of originality, and weak scares hold it back. If you’re looking for a real screamfest, skip Pindam. But if you want a mildly spooky story with a message, give it a shot. Just don’t expect to be too scared!

There you have it, a super easy Pindam Movie Review! Hope you like it!


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