Thirunagari Prashanth, a Software Engineer in Hyderabad, committed suicide on Sunday in his residence at Padmaja Apartment in Srinagar colony. Prashanth wrote in his suicide note that his wife is unfaithful and having an extramarital affair with someone else. Due to the fact, he asked his wife Pavani to change her behaviour so they live happily from now. But, Pavani has not accepted his requests to change hence he committed the suicide. In police inquiry, Prashanth’s wife Pavani said that the matter in his suicide note is false and also accused that he was harassed her mentally and physically with a false allegation of an extramarital affair.
Going to the details, Kamareddy’s native Tirunagari Prashanth is a Software Engineer in Hyderabad. In 2014, he married his love lady Pavani belongs to Warangal. After the months from marriage, Prashanth learned that his wife Pavani is having an illegal affair with someone and admonished her several times in this matter.
Even though Prashanth has found no change in her attitude and she shifted to Bengaluru to join in a new job. After leaving there, Pavani began to turn freely with her childhood friend who was in an illegal relationship. Prashant felt that his dignity will be lost, called her and asked his wife Pavani to quit her extramarital affair so they can live happily from now. But, Pavani didn’t accept his request and said that she is not going to leave her boyfriend at any cost. Depressed Prashant hanged himself and committed suicide in his house at Srinagar Colony.
Panjagutta Police found the voice clips along with some other valuable clues related to her illegal affair with someone. So, Police arrested her and taken into control by filing a case under section 306 of the IPC.