The dashing director Puri Jagannath after a long gap has finally announced his next project post-Mehabooba. This time, he opted for the energetic star Ram for a commercial entertainer.
For some strange reasons, the sensational maker Puri Jagannath lost his charm and scored a series of flops. The trails to bounce back showed him only losses leaving this director back in losses. After taking enough gap, Puri went back to his own commercial entertainer’s style and completed a bound script keeping a young hero in mind. This Pokiri director, however, got the positive nod from the energetic star Ram who is also in dire need of a big break in his career. Until now, there existed many speculations about this project but today Puri himself announced this flick. This is said to be a refreshing combo as no movie lover in the Telugu States has ever thought of Ram presented in Puri’s style. Taken Puri’s talent and Ram’s screen presence into consideration, this combo can work wonders if they strike the right chord with the audience.
More details of this flick will be officially declared by Puri Jagannath via his micro-blogging site Twitter. This flick will be bankrolled under his own production banner, Puri Jagannadh Touring Talkies in association with Puri Connects.