The Telugu media channel ABN’s weekend comment by its MD Radha Krishna predicted TRS’s defeat in its recent episode. The channel backed its prediction by its recent surveys on Telangana Politics. Despite his rivalry with the TRS Chief, Radha Krishna two months back released a survey on the TRS camp. When the first-ever speculation on snap polls spread in media, RK conducted an online poll and declared that the Pink camp would easily get more than 65% of seats.
This survey was done before two months and very soon, TRS Chief dissolved his Government. Since then, there are many changes within the TRS and among the Telangana Politics. From internal fights of TRS leaders to the growing Mahakutami Opposition, the chances for TRS are now slimmed down. The same is explained in the last Sunday’s weekend comment by RK. according to the fresh observations, TRS have to sweat it out to win against the Mahakutami in Telangana.
Not stopping there, RK predicted TRS’s defeat in the snap polls with less than 50% of seats.Interestingly, ABN compared KCR to the late NTR’s crisis times. RK opined that despite a leader’s craze among the voters, the internal leaders can change their Supreme within no time if the leader fails to manage the party.