Rayapati Sambasivarao Son Honored With Garland To Chandrababu: In politics Narasaraopet MP Rayapati Sambasivarao is leading for a long time is not a small thing. Many times he won in the Guntur Parliamentary constituency, the place which has the high political background. After leaving vibhajana, he joined in TDP and elected as MP with highest tickets in Narasaraopet and has a leading role in TDP. Everyone says that ‘Rayapati Dandayatra played a major role in his political journey. The main weapons of his Dandayatra are Cardamom Wreath and Camphor wreath is very special. Many big political leaders fall for his weapons. Even the President got interested in these wreaths and asked about preparation and cost for them.
Now his son Rangarao is going to replace his father Rayapati Sambasivarao place. Rangarao never back steps to talk about people problems with the government. Rangarao has always been ready to go to the ministers or CM even before his father. He adopts Dandayatra to go on with his father’s success formula. Mainly, this Dandayatra always works in the case of Minister Lokesh and CM Chandrababu. Recently Rangarao wore a 5 foot of Cardamom Wreath in one of the development programs which held in the capital. Babu smiled and patted his shoulder by looking at the wreath. People said after seeing that ‘finally even Rayapati’s son done Dandayatra on babu’.