In 2022, the movie world saw a showdown between the legendary figures, King Nagarjuna and Megastar Chiranjeevi. Unfortunately, their films (The Ghost and Godfather) didn’t fully capture their dedicated fan bases. Now, they’re gearing up for a comeback, ready to clash again on the big stage of Sankranthi 2025.
During the recent celebration of Naa Saami Ranga’s success, Nagarjuna hinted at his next project, saying, “See you next Sankranthi,” teasing the much-awaited Bangarraju 2. At the same time, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Vishwambhara has officially confirmed a Sankranthi release, heightening the excitement.
Despite their strong offline friendship, fans are eagerly awaiting the friendly clash set for the upcoming Sankranthi. Adding to the competition, the confirmation of Shatamanam Bhavati 2 brings another layer.
Excitement grows as we wonder if more films will join this cinematic race, ensuring an entertaining experience for the audience. Stay tuned for the latest updates.