Actress Shriya Pilgaonkar features in the video of the love song Heera, sung by Jigar Saraiya, and she says the experience of shooting for the number was simply surreal.
Sung by and featuring Jigar along with Shriya, the song is composed Sachin-Jigar and written by Priya Saraiya.
“Filming this beautiful song in Kashmir has been a surreal experience, especially after so many months in lockdown. The beauty of the place has just enhanced the song. I’ve had a really good time collaborating with the team from Mumbai and the local crew from Srinagar who was all wonderful to work with,” said Shriya.
The music video is directed by Arunima Sharma.
Jigar is happy to have “this piece of heaven in Kashmir as the backdrop of the song”.
“We are very excited to bring to listeners an independent single that speaks of love as we know it. Arunima had an amazing concept for this video. Shooting with Shriya is super fun and the beauty of this place is beyond adjectives,” he added.
The song will be available soon.