Bollywood heroines are eyeing on debuting down South with prestigious projects. Shraddha Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Ananya Pandey, Alia Bhatt are already on the list. Now, we are hearing reports that Sonam Kapoor is also in talks to make her debut in Tollywood soon.
As per the discussions in film nagar, Sonam Kapoor is approached by a popular production house from Telugu and she might soon sign the project. Sonam Kapoor also wanted to make her mark in regional cinema, especially Telugu cinema which has become the next destination for many Bollywood heroines.
Sonam Kapoor wants to debut with a prestigious project alongside a star hero. Already, she was approached in the past for a couple of movies but they did not get materialized. Sonam Kapoor is currently going through a rough phase with no proper hit on hand. It’s high time that she comes up with a blockbuster. Let us hope that her debut down South also help her grow in career.