The much-awaited film "Daku Maharaj," starring Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna and directed by Kolli Bobby, has been creating huge excitement among fans. While several movies...
"Daku Maharaj," directed by Kolli Bobby, is one of the most anticipated movies, starring Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna in the lead role alongside Pragya Jaiswal...
The Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu combination delivered a massive hit with Akhanda, creating high expectations for the sequel, Akhanda 2. Fans of Balayya are...
Buckle up, Nandamuri Balakrishna fans! The hit machine duo of Balakrishna and director Boyapati Srinu are reuniting for another action-packed ride. They've already delivered...
After the huge hit of Akhanda, Boyapati Sreenu, and Balakrishna are teaming up again for Akhanda 2. What's interesting is that this action-packed entertainer...
Film producers do not officially announce their businesses and collections. Controversies also happen on the posters of movie collections. Nagavanshi also said the same...