The much-anticipated film Tandel, starring Akkineni’s young and talented Naga Chaitanya alongside Sai Pallavi, is directed by Chandu Mondeti. With considerable hype surrounding the...
Akkineni fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the much-anticipated movie "Tandel," starring Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi. This marks their second collaboration, raising...
The much-awaited song from Savyasachi is none other than "Ninnu Road Meedha Chusinadhi Lagayettu". It's an official remix of Nagarjuna's mass song from the...
Naga Chaitanya and Nidhi Agarwal combinational movie Savyasachi is coming on November 2nd. Before that, here are video song trailers of Savyasachi, '1980,81, 82'...
M.M.Keeravani's musical roar, unpredictable lyrics, Ram-Laxman's mass courage, no.of vocals at the time gave the name "Savyasachi". The vocals with a solid base, 15...
Naga Chaitanya is frantically needing a big hit after his last projects "Yuddam Sharanam" and "Shailaja Reddy Alludu" failed to impress the audience in...
Ambidextrous - Savyasachi, the person who can use their two hands with the same capability. Naga Chaitanya's upcoming movie Savyasachi is coming with an...
Finally, Savyasachi teaser here... From many days Akkineni fans are waiting for the update... Savyasachi is looking like a fictional movie. The dialogue and the...