Tamil Nadu's coronavirus count galloped to 70,977 infections with 3,509 persons testing positive for the virus in the last 24-hours, the State Health Department...
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that for the entire previous week Kerala has been recording over 100 Covid-19 positive cases, with 123 testings...
Restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic have forced innovation across sectors, including the global drug market, which has turned to new routes, trafficking methods,...
The use of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins is associated with a lower death rate and a lesser incidence of mechanical ventilation in hospitalized COVID-19...
The Aam Aadmi Party government on Thursday claimed that "approximately 18,000 tests are conducted daily" in the national capital.
"We are conducting around 18,000 tests...
India witnessed the highest spike of almost 17,000 fresh COVID cases, with Maharashtra, Delhi, and Tamil Nadu contributing more than 62 percent of it...
The global number of COVID-19 cases has increased to over 9.2 million, while the toll surged across 476,900, according to the Johns Hopkins University.