Srikanth Odela is the director of the 'Dasara' movie featuring both Natural Star Nani and Keerty Suresh. Pan-Indian Movie 'Dasara' was released by today.
Tollywood star Nani's first pan-India movie 'Dasara' is slated to hit the screens in March this year.
In a reflection of the movie's pan-India positioning,...
The film 'Dasara', featuring natural star Nani, will be released in the theaters in the coming year, Movie makers announced on Friday.
Keerthy Suresh female...
Uttar Pradesh different tradition on Dasara Ravana burning
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Uttar Pradesh different tradition on Dasara Ravana burning: In Dasara mythology, popular stories are one...
Hero Surya sensational tweet on Vijayadashami
Hero Surya sensational tweet on Vijayadashami: Usually, celebrities share their film information, promotion, personal information through Twitter to their...