The much-anticipated movie Game Changer, starring global superstar Ram Charan and directed by the renowned Shankar, was released worldwide on Friday. The film has...
Global star Ram Charan takes the lead in the highly anticipated pan-India film Game Changer, directed by the visionary Shankar. Featuring Kiara Advani and...
Global star Ram Charan's upcoming film Game Changer is creating massive buzz in the industry. With the trailer release, audience expectations have skyrocketed, and...
Global star Ram Charan is joining hands with renowned director Shankar for the highly anticipated political drama Game Changer, slated for a grand theatrical...
The highly anticipated movie “Game Changer”, directed by the visionary Shankar and starring global icon Ram Charan, alongside Kiara Advani and Anjali as the...
The highly anticipated movie Game Changer, directed by Shankar and starring global star Ram Charan, has fans buzzing with excitement. Recently, a grand teaser...