The Kollywood action film "Amaran" is one of the highly anticipated South Indian movies releasing this Diwali. Directed by Rajkumar Periyasamy, the film stars...
Star director Shankar Shanmugam remains one of the leading filmmakers in India, renowned nationwide for his outstanding movies. Despite his esteemed reputation, his recent...
"Kalki 2898 AD," a mythology sci-fi movie starring pan-India star Prabhas, has been released in theaters and has impressed both audiences and fans. The...
"Kalki 2898 AD," directed by Nag Ashwin, features an impressive cast including Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Disha Patani, Kamal Haasan, and Amitabh Bachchan. Fans have...
Pan-India star Prabhas' latest film, "Kalki 2898 AD," is directed by Nag Ashwin. Anticipation is high globally for this sci-fi action movie, which promises...
The anticipation for the prestigious science fiction film 'Kalki 2898 AD,' starring Pan-India star Prabhas, is immense. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the movie has...