Tamil star hero Suriya's much-awaited film Kanguva hit the screens amid high expectations. Directed by Siva, a prestigious filmmaker, the movie was made with...
A highly anticipated Pan-India film from Kollywood, Kanguva, starring Suriya and directed by Siva, is generating buzz across the country. Disha Patani plays the...
Kollywood star Surya’s latest film, 'Kanguva', stands as the biggest project of his career. Directed by Siva, this sensational period action drama had its...
Kanguva stands as one of the most highly anticipated movies in Kollywood, generating immense excitement among audiences awaiting its release. With Suriya in the...
Suriya upcoimg film "Kanguva" continues its production journey. Joining him is Bollywood sensation Disha Patani, portraying his love interest in the movie helmed by...