"One of the most highly anticipated movies in the Kollywood industry is Superstar Rajinikanth's upcoming film 'Coolie,' directed by the talented Lokesh Kanagaraj. Ever...
"'Buddy' is the much-awaited experimental film from mega-young hero Shirish, marking his return after a brief hiatus. Directed by San Anton, 'Buddy' draws inspiration...
Kollywood star Dhanush's latest movie, "Raayan," has made a remarkable impact at the box office since its release. The film opened to strong numbers...
Young director Nithilan Swaminathan's latest movie, "Maharaja," features Kollywood's versatile actor Makkalselvan Vijay Sethupathi in the lead role. This intense emotional and solid revenge...
The recent release of the teaser for "Coolie," featuring Rajinikanth, has ignited immense excitement among the superstar's fans. While Rajini's charismatic screen presence and...