Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi upcoming film Thandel, has caught the attention of audiences. Directed by Chandoo Mondeti and produced by Bunny Vas under...
Tollywood star Naga Chaitanya Dhootha web series marked the OTT platform, with the seasoned filmmaker Vikram K Kumar. Combining of suspense and the supernatural,...
Naga Chaitanya's highly anticipated film, Thandel, directed by Chandoo Mondeti, officially commenced its journey with a grand launch event today. The event was graced...
Naga Chaitanya Akkineni to Make OTT Debut with Supernatural Suspense Thriller Series 'Dhootha'
Actor Naga Chaitanya Akkineni is all set to make his debut on...
Naga Chaitanya Acquires Hyderabad Blackbirds Racing Team:
Tollywood star Akkineni Naga Chaitanya has recently taken ownership of the prestigious motorsport racing squad, Hyderabad Blackbirds (HBB)....