Everyone is eagerly awaiting the upcoming blockbuster starring Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu, directed by the legendary SS Rajamouli. With sky-high expectations surrounding this massive...
We all know that Tollywood's young hero Akhil Akkineni is working on a movie directed by newcomer Anil Kumar, with an official announcement expected...
Akhil Akkineni's latest release, 'Agent,' hit theatres today in Telugu. Directed by Surender Reddy, the movie is a pan-Indian spy action thriller featuring Akhil...
Akkineni Akhil’s upcoming movie Agent is an upcoming Indian Telugu spy thriller movie. The film was initially scheduled for a release on 24 December...
No words... Just Goosebumps while watching MegaStar Chiranjeevi as Narasimha Reddy. MegaStar is Awesome as Narasimha Reddy there is no exaggeration in that. Really, the power of...
Surender Reddy meets Amitabh Bachchan
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Director Surender Reddy took off to Mumbai to meet the Bollywood Megastar Big B, Amitabh Bachchan. Surprisingly,...